Thursday, December 10, 2009


Plot synopsis: This Disney musical originally aired on tv in 1989. It is an adaptation of the book Pollyanna. It stars Phylicia Rashad (Claire) and Keisha Knight Pulliam (Rudy) Huxtable from the Cosby Show. The movie chronicles Polly, an orphan sent to live with her aunt of the same name.

Why this movie is great for girls: Polly was one of my favorite movies growing up. Polly has a positive attitude and seems wise beyond her years. She influences everyone in the town. She helps the town overcome an old misunderstanding that separated white and black residents for years. Her positive worldview inspires the town and allows her aunt to realize what is truly important.

Possible Challenges: There are scenes that deal with religion and one of the songs takes place in a church. The movie deals with racism, but in a very indirect way. It may be a great opportunity to talk about the topic.

Other information: It may be difficult to get a copy. I have seen it in a Disney movie mail-order club, and on Amazon and Ebay for about $30. In my opinion it's worth the cost and I plan to buy a copy when my daughter is older.

Age recommendation: 3 and up

This clip occurs after Polly teaches her minister about her late father's philosophy on preaching. She convinces him to use "glad texts" despite the constant intervention of her aunt on sermon topics.

This is a clip of the song Sweet Little Angel Eyes

You can get a copy of the movie through the Disney Movie Club, but you'll have to buy additional films also.

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